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Amusing Teachers and Classmates Speak Out


We call that "wind."


The weekend. It's like, a lot of hours.


Invisible Numbers: you can't see them, but they're there!


I’ll give you a piece of candy if you don’t run out into the street anymore


Sweet Smokin’ Jesus!


I crashed my van into Jesus and I have a pimple the size of Jupiter. I AM NOT OKAY!


Of course, their great car of the time was the llama.


There was a huge intricate system that revolved around acorns.


Today we had to run the 50 millimeter dash. Oh, is that like, Ready, Get set, Go, Stop!


If you worship your couch...THAT’S OKAY!




I love John Paul. The little Pope, riding around in his little Pope-Mobile.


They’re fat! They wear sacks with rope!


I don’t want to smoke things out of my neck hole.


Got a Kleenex? No, I’m a Puffs kind of guy.


Where’s the duct tape? It’s on that kid in the closet.


Oh, the planet’s only 35 light years away. That’s right in our neighborhood! That’s close enough so we could pop over for a cup of sugar—assuming we don’t need it for, oh, say, 700,000 years.


Enjoy your year’s supply of poopy boogers.


So what if Saddam is gay? He still shouldn’t be governor of New Jersey.


Bury the Earth 10 miles deep in Cheerios.


You learn to despise them when they talk behind your back right in front of your face.


After listening to your every word with much attention and thorough consideration, only one question remains: “What’s your point?”


My ultimate goal in life is to become an alpaca farmer.


I am not a sex blob.


What? You like fried gay people?


If you’re raising your hand and I don’t call on you, I’m not blind; I’m just ignoring you.


I have a sneaking suspicion iron is a metal.


Stay away from the matches, Fola.


There are flowers in my toilet.


Unleash the armies of compassion!


I hate polls. Polls should die.


Pampered whisps do not a cloth doll make.


Who do they need protection from? Their pet cats?


Beans in the middle of the night.


O lethal blossom, I am your marionette forever.


Shut up and punch yourself, Karanina.


How come all the elements are metals these days?


Do not incur the wrath of I!


You have angered we!


Early to rise and early to bed makes a man crazy and touched in the head.


Imitate Jesus.


Oh my fjord!


I ate the little white boy.


Let’s get our Christ on! Let’s kick it Jesus style!



If you want to know who said a quote, just ask me. I have it all recorded, but for safety's sake didn't want to annouce it on the internet.